R and Python are programming languages that have made names for themselves. They both are open source programming languages and have millions of users around the world. These are one of the most used programming languages for developing millions of software and also has a great demand in the Information Technology sectors.

R programming has basically the application of statistical analysis of data while programs are written in Python to get a provision of more established techniques to data science.


R is an open source programming language The programs which are written in R possess a stretchable catalog of statistical and graphical techniques. This language comprises of machine learning algorithm, time series, linear regression, statistical inference. R stepped out in the market in the year 1995 and a stable beta version in the year 2000.

The Golden Features R programming Language:

  1. Over 10000 packages resides in the archive of R programming. This helps in an easier programming.
  2. R creates machine independent code as it is a programming language based on interpreter.
  3. R widely supports procedural programming which includes functions along with OOP (Object Oriented Programming) with comprehensive functions.
  4. R programming encourages complicated tasks like arrays, data frames, vectors and also other data objects that have different sizes.
  5. R includes an extensive community backbone providing technical assistance, boot camps and seminars. These actually help you to get started with R programming.


Python is an object oriented programming language which functions with dynamic semantics. It lists itself under high level programming language. This language is based on interpreter. Python has high level default data structures which encourages enhancing it’s attractiveness for Rapid Application Development besides for use as a scripting language to adjoin present constituents together.

The Key Features of Python Programming Language

  1. Python is excessively straightforward and simple to use.
  2. The language used in the manufacture of programs in Python is more expressive, that is, it is more understandable.
  3. You can download at zero cost from its official website python.org
  4. Python can run on several platforms at the same time without creating any issues. You can create programs in Python on Windows, Macintosh, Linus , Unix and more platforms.
  5. Most importantly, Python encourages object oriented language. Concepts of classes and objects becomes valid in case of Python programming language.
  6. Graphical User Interface (GUI) can be built up with the application of Python programming.
  7. The programs in Python can be easily combined with common programming languages like Java, C++, C and so on.

Who is Better in What?

Let us go through some points which has led to this epic battle between these two languages. Here are the points.


The use of brackets or parentheses and braces during coding reduces to a great extent while using the Python programming language. This makes the programs more well groomed. The elegance of the programs are maintained quite well.

Side Effects

A very important point – R is a functional programming language which means R has no side effects.


Let us talk about syntax. Python has a syntax which is very simple if you compare this with the syntax that R programming avails you. Syntax used in R is not very clean to be honest although they are very much similar to one another. It is because both of them are from the C language family.

Operator Overloading

Talking about operator overloading? Well, if you prefer R, then it is good news for you. In R programming, operator overloading is way easier than that in Python programming.

Background Mastery

If any data scientist is working with Python programming language, he must have knowledge on various materials to begin programming in Python which includes NumPy, matplotlib and Pandas. On the other hand, even a fresher can perform simple data analysis and that too in a very less amount of time in R.


The role of Python is unbelievably active in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning if compared with R.


Python comprises of only one object oriented programming paradigm but R programming language gives us a wide variety of choices. So, R is standing on the winning position in the field of object orientation.


R is transfiguring into two distinct dialects but on the other hand Python is transforming from version 2.7 to 3.x at present. Matloff said: “It might be more acceptable if the Tidyverse were superior to ordinary R, but in my opinion it is not.” He also added that R is comparatively tougher for the beginners for programming.

Users’ Swap

It is seen that more R users jumped to Python programming. Python has been successful in keeping it’s users loyal to it. Study has revealed that 74% of R users kept using it while 91% users were loyal to Python programming.


More than 65% of the software development firms mentioned Python while hiring employees. If you compare this, only 18% of the IT companies demanded engineers experienced in using R.


R programming language is much more developed in parallelism compared to Python programming language.

Coming to the Conclusion – Which is Better?

Both R and Python has some good and moderate points. There are some fields for which R is preferable and there are some points which attract programmers to use Python to a great extent.

I personally find R programming to be a bit easier to use than Python. You can try both and judge by yourself which one serves better.

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