Drivers are very important for every computing devices as it helps the running of different hardware devices. The BCM20702a0 is connected with the driver of Bluetooth. You have to access the BCM20702a0 if there is no in-built feature to use Bluetooth devices. However, when you will access this BCM20702a0, you can face the BCM20702a0 driver error.
The reason for this error might be the corrupt Bluetooth driver that you have installed. So, let us see what are the problems that you can face when this error will occur and how you can solve it.
Symptoms for the BCM20702a0 Driver Error:
On your laptop, the BCM20702a0 driver comes inbuilt with Bluetooth Adapter. The driver starts automatically when you try to connect the adapter for the first time. However, in case of an error, the driver becomes unavailable. Then, after doing a number of efforts, you will be able to connect it.
If you face this problem, then you have to select the driver of the Bluetooth and its related component and uninstall them. Then, reinstall them again. You can face this problem of BCM20702a0 driver error Windows 10 if there is any software that is preventing the driver to install. Sometimes, the Bluetooth tab does not show up in the Device Manager Windows.
Probable Solutions for BCM20702a0 Driver Windows 10 Error:
Now, let us see some of the most effective solutions to the BCM20702a0 driver error. These solutions are as follows:-
Manually Download the BCM20702a0 Driver
When you are facing the problem of BCM20702a0 Bluetooth driver, then the best solution might be to manually download the BCM20702a0 driver. For downloading manually, you can choose any of the two methods.
Manually Download from the Website of the Manufacturer
By going to the official website where you can get the driver, you have to locate the correct driver. This driver has to be compatible with the Operating System you are using. After making sure of compatibility, you can proceed to download the driver.
Use Device Manager to Install the BCM20702a0 Driver
You can take the help of Device Manager to manage the software drivers and hardware devices. You can complete the process by following the given steps:-
- First of all, you have to press the R and the Windows key simultaneously.
- After that, when the Run dialog will show up on the screen, you have to write ‘devmgmt.msc’ in it. Then press ‘OK’.
- Next, you have to locate the Bluetooth Adapter. You might see it as an ‘Unknown device’ appearing on the screen. After that, you have to click on the ‘Update Driver’ option by right-clicking on the ‘Unknown device’.
- Then, you have to select the ‘Browse my computer for driver software’ option. Then, you have to do as the instructions on the screen will tell you to do. With the help of the on-screen instructions, you will be able to perform the update successfully.
Automatically Download and Update BCM20702a0 Driver
Now, let’s check out the process of automatically download and update the BCM20702a0 driver. In order to complete this process, you can take the help of any trusted software. After downloading it, you just have to do what the instructions on the screen will tell you to do.
Reinstall the Driver of the Bluetooth Device
You can also try to reinstall the driver. This can solve your problem with BCM20702a0 driver Windows 10. By following the given steps, you can complete the process successfully.
- First of all, you have to enter the ‘Control Panel’. After that, you have to choose the ‘Programs and Features’ option.
- Then, you have to locate the Bluetooth device and right-click on it. This will bring up the Options menu. From this menu, you have to select the ‘Uninstall’ option.
- After that, you have to press the X and the Windows logo button simultaneously.
- Next, you have to select the ‘Device Manager’ option.
- Then, you have to expand the Bluetooth device and then select the ‘Uninstall’ option.
- Lastly, you have to reboot your computer. When the reboot is completed, Windows will help to reinstall the driver for the Bluetooth device.
Examine the Services of the Bluetooth
By following the given steps, you will be able to examine the services of Bluetooth without any difficulty:
- First of all, you have to press the R and the Windows logo button simultaneously. This will open the Run dialog box on the screen. Then, you have to write ‘services.msc’ and press Enter.
- After that, you have to go to the Bluetooth Support Service option and right-click on it. Then you have to press the ‘Restart’ button.
- Then, within the tab of ‘General’, you have to double-click on the ‘Bluetooth Support Service’ option. With this, you will be able to get into the ‘Properties’ window.
- Next, you have to change the type of Startup to ‘Automatic’.
- Lastly, you have to click on ‘Apply’. After that, you have to press ‘OK’. This will help you to exit by saving the changes.
Hope that from the above discussion, you have understood how to solve the BCM20702a0 driver error Windows 10. These are very easy solutions and can be easily implemented. If these solutions do not work for you, then try out the next solution. Hence, fix the ‘BCM20702a0 driver error’ and utilize the feature of the Bluetooth.